Reprieve is a legal NGO composed of lawyers, investigators, and campaigners who fight for justice. The organization’s primary aim is to fight for the rights of the marginalized individuals facing human rights abuses at the hands of powerful governments.

The organizations’ duties entail investigation, to litigate, campaign, and fight for others’ rights. It is one of the best NGOs to consult if you have an issue that is giving your sleepless nights and restless days.

How to unsubscribe

If you are done with the services and would like to unsubscribe, you should do that right on the website. The support team is available and will assist you every step of the way.

The same applies if you joined as part of the community looking to support marginalized individuals in the UK.

Write an email to the company; [email protected] or make a direct phone call to the support team on 020 7553 8140. You will inform them about your decision to end the contract.

Whichever way you choose to contact the company, be sure to accurately answer all questions they might have for you so that the process gets to flow smoothly.

Required Documents

If you want Reprieve to help you with a legal process that weighs you down, and you are on the right side, then there are details you will need to submit.

The company will ask you to submit your name, identification documents, the case number or the details of what you are struggling with, your location, and contact details. You can submit these details through direct email.

They will use the details submitted to investigate your case and come up with concrete evidence. Be sure to remain contactable to help them with further investigation.

List of similar companies to subscribe to

● Amnesty International
● Redress
● Anti-slavery International
● Article 19