Athena Club specializes in the creation of self-care products. These may range from:

  • Body care
  • Wellness
  • Period care
  • Lifestyle products

The products are then sold to customers who buy on a subscription basis. The subscription could be one off, monthly, quarterly, or annually depending on an individual’s preferences. As much as the membership benefits may be plenty, one may still wish to opt out of the community, perhaps to try something new. There is surely no harm in that.

Cancellation Requirements

Athena Club does not require any documents from members to effect the cancellation request. Once the request is placed through a member’s account, that is final. Since registration only demands a valid email address or Facebook ID, the cancellation is equally lessened.

Cancellation Process

To cancel your subscription with Athena Club, simply log on to your club account and follow the stipulated steps. The cancellation request must be received only through your account page at least three days prior to your next shipment. Cancellations through other mediums (email/mail) may take up to five days to process after receipt.


For email cancellation, send your request to [email protected].

Posta mail:

For mail cancellation, use the mailing address: 123 4TH AVE 4TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10003.

Even after the cancellation, subscription benefits continue until the end of the current paid up subscription term.

Alternatives to Athena Club

Having unsubscribed from one service provider affords you the opportunity to conduct proper market research in a bid to compare the various players. As long as the level of service expected doesn’t suffer a compromise, you can always subscribe with the following self-care product dealers:

  • Billie
  • Dollar Shave Club
  • Harry’s
  • Bevel
  • Supply
  • Flamingo