Audible is one of the leading creators as well as a provider of audio storytelling, inspiring the lives of millions of listeners each day. The company utiliszes superior programming and a customer-centric approach to innovation which has helped reinvent a media category which is the driving force in the current audio entertainment revolution.

Audible focuses on building a new medium to redefine and improve spoken information and other types of verbal expressions. You can cancel your Audible membership whenever you feel like.

Personal details and Audible contact details

You can easily sign up to Audible using your Amazon account. However, users can still sign-in without an Amazon account so long as they provide a username that included their full email address.


Audible contact details

You can contact Audible customer care 24/7 and get the assistance you need. Members can email them at [email protected] or visit their site for more contact details. Alternatively, you can contact them on their social media pages and air your concerns.

How to cancel your Audible subscription

Wish to cancel your Audible membership, go to your account and hit the tab cancel membership below the text box that has your current membership details. Select the reason for cancellation and proceed with the instructions. After completion, you will get an email confirmation. Feel free to re-join anytime. Remember that deleting your Audible App does not cancel your membership and you may be charged even after deleting the app.

Similar companies to Audible

The development in technology has replaced reading printed books with listening to audiobooks. Today, there are several websites in the industry that offer these services. Audible is among the top leading audiobook provider, but if for any reason you don’t feel like trying them, you can always try the following similar audiobook providers;

  • OverDrive
  • LibriVox
  • Audiobooks Now